First Initial graphics

jupiter png mars png moon on paper neptune.png png coloured in einstein earth on paper


These were the first graphics that me and my group produced, We took these form the internet and put them on paper to create the illusion that they have been drawn. We did this as a rough guide to play around with compositions before drawing the graphics ourselves. The relevance of the planets come in as they’re the massive objects in space that cause gravitational pull. The idea is to position these on a space background and each planet containing information about the theory. However we want to make it look more hand made and so I looked into existing children ‘s educational websites.

Brief 2 Research

I started my project by researching Einsteins theory of relativity so I knew what it was all about. The link above basically states that Massive objects in space causes a distortion in time therefore we feel that as gravity. Einstein proved that the speed of light within a vacuum doesn’t speed up because of the gravitational pull. My first initial ideas based on this would be a space themed poster/website and app featuring Einstein aimed towards children.

My font

art deco font


This is my finished font that i created on Adobe Illustrator. I created this by using the same style as Like Minded and created it using lines with different thickness’s. I like this design as i found this module quite hard but this was simple enough to do and it looks neat. It also reflects art deco which is what i wanted to achieve. I will now focus on putting my font onto a design to demonstrate how it would be used.