Website research

I have decided to create a web page for my female gym and so started off by looking at existing examples. The images below show some gym websites that i took off the internet for inspiration in terms of layout and colour. The websites i looked at use images as a main part of their website, for example usually people working out or posing in gym clothes. The text is incorporated through boxes and the use of a tab bar along the top followed by the logo. The colours that are used are bright tones of blue, pink, green and white showing health and giving the theme a positive bright outlook. From looking at the colour research i now know that these colours are used to advertise the gym in a positive way and so i will incorporate this idea into my designs. I also came across some designs that use black and gold instead of white, green and blue. These show more power through not only the use of colours but also the images used. For example the image below advertising Golds Gym display a healthy womans toned abs portraying her as a super fit and healthy, powerful woman. The model is also sweaty therefore showing this idea of power and strength, which is the impression we get through the use of the gold and black.

postcard-2 gimnasio-responsive-premium-fitness-center-gym-website-templates-img gym-club-website 51cea25cecb1dbcd5729fbe4c522b63a

Colour Research

Taking a theoretical approach to colour, i have been researching into using colour in advertising to gain an idea on what colours generally work better. I looked at The Psychology of colour which basically stated that colour plays the most important role in advertising as 90% of people make a judgement of a product purely based on the colours. Our brains recognise a product through the use of colour therefore making the colour of  a product very important.

I also looked at what colours mean what, for example the table below shows that grey tones suggest balance, calmness and Neutral. Green suggests Peace, Health and growth relating to my own logo/web page design. Blue suggests trust, Dependance and Strength. Etc as shown on the image below.


Infographic research

Finally I researched into existing infographics and again mainly looked into space themed ones. I basically just looked at some from the internet to see what they’re all about.  So far i’ve seen that they contain more information than imagery however there is a good balance between the two. The screenshots below show the examples I have looked at, so far my ideas aim towards making it have a fun layout and some form of direction so that the viewer knows where to look first and where to look next.stock-vector-the-universe-kids-infographics-solar-system-planets-comparison-sun-and-moon-galaxies-316686875 Infographics---Space_800_1049_c1

App Research

Next we looked into App designs and how websites adapt their product to suit different technologies. From this I also took ideas for layouts. The screenshots below show the examples I looked at. The one on the far left shows a quiz app that allows you to select a tile on the app and so we will use this in our app idea. It will work as the user will select a planet layed out in a rows. The middle screenshot shows an app on an Ipad in which the user can move around to explore space. Finally the screenshot on the right shows the app version of BBC bitesize. It has been adapted so that you have all the option along the bottom to take you back to the homepage.app12348587_10205343128803008_752176891_neen.



Within my group we decided that we wanted to aim our project towards young children therefore we have decided to make it an educational product. To start with I researched into websites such as BBC bitesize and looked at various screenshots of other existing websites. From looking at these, I can see that they’re mostly imagery rather than text so I think that as a group we will keep text to a minimum and make it more visual and bright. The websites are also simple rather than complex and so we will ensure that ours are too simple. The screenshots below show the examples I have looked at. I specifically looked at space themed websites to gain some inspiration for graphics. app design educational websites space